Ian Goodfellow
Ian Goodfellow is Professor of Virology and Head of the Division of Virology at the University of Cambridge. He has >18 y experience in molecular virology having worked on numerous RNA viruses. From EU, BBSRC and Wellcome Trust funding, he currently studies viral translation, replication, pathogenesis and innate immune responses, with particular emphasis on RNA virus-host interactions. He uses a combination of biochemical, molecular and in vivo studies to dissect the poorly characterized life cycle of caliciviruses. He has made many substantial contributions to the field, including the establishment of an efficient reverse genetics systems for the generation of recombinant norovirus (NoV) mutants. This has provided an unprecedented ability to dissect the biological relevance of interactions in the NoV life cycle, both in cell culture and in vivo. His work also includes the study of poultry virus-host interactions and the molecular biology of hepatitis E.