Davey Jones
Davey Jones is Professor of Environmental Science at Bangor University. In the last decade his research has taken a catchment-to-coast approach with an emphasis on balancing ecosystem services and protecting human health. Current projects include two large NERC grants (Agro-PLASTIC and QUANTUM, both with Bristol Univ) and 2 BBSRC Greenhouse Gas Demonstrator Projects. Through industry-led and EU projects, focus has been on the dispersal of human and livestock bacterial/viral pathogens in fresh/marine waters. This include the PATH-SAFE project looking at antimicrobial resistance genes and viral pathogens in the marine environment, while a past NERC-RELU project investigated the asymptomatic carriage of food-borne pathogens and immunity vs exposure within rural communities. Current projects also include the national wastewater-based public health surveillance programme funded by Welsh Government.
He advises Welsh Government on their COVD-19, public health, agriculture, land use and climate change policy, has published >610 journal articles with >35,000 ISI citations.