Passive samplers for viral capture
Passive samplers deployed in the sewer system - actively catching viruses
Passive samplers deployed in the sewer system - actively catching viruses
One of the autosamplers installed at a new hospital site in Wales for wastewater collection.
Today we hosted NimaGen to develop our partnership for sequencing SARS-CoV-2 and other pathogens in wastewater.
Next epidemic could be spotted early in wastewater, say scientists | Bangor University
Thanks to colleagues from Cardiff University, Arup and the London Data Company for attending the 3rd national WBE management meeting.
Thanks to Welsh Government for supporting a 6-month extension to the national wastewater programme to the end of 2023.
Welsh Government Minister for Health and Social Services Eluned Morgan AS visited the University today to officially open the new wastewater monitoring research facility in the Brambell building at Bangor University. The state of the art facility enables scientists to test water for the detection and surveillance of human pathogenic viruses and AMR in freshwater,...
Thanks to everyone who attended the WBE session at World Water Week in Stockholm and hosted by Arup, featuring talks by Davey Jones (Bangor Univ.) and Barbara Kasprzyk-Hordern (Bath Univ.) on microbial and chemical markers in wastewater. The talks were showcasing the on-going development and use of WBE for public health surveillance in the UK.
BlueAdapt project meeting 20-21 September, 2023.
NERC Impact Awards for our work in WBE
Viruses of Microbes Conference at Northumbria University, 2024
Global WBE consortia meeting
Presentation at the Wellcome Trust London on WBE and AMR
Davey Jones EUW 2024
Environmental monitoring solutions to strengthen infection surveillance and improve shellfish safety. Talk by Dr Kata Farkas, Bangor University